WIZ Photo and Video: Wedding Videographer in Dayton & Cincinnati Ohio
WIZ Photo and Video - "We Bring Memories to Life!"
WIZ Photo and Video is located near Dayton, Ohio and is rated as one of the top wedding videographer professionals in Dayton and Cincinnati, Ohio.
We provide a variety of professional photography and videography services for the Dayton and Cincinnati area. Our professional Dayton wedding videographer and photographers provide cinematic and documentary style video and photographs to artistically tell your story and bring these memorable moments to life!
So if you are looking for someone in the Dayton or Cincinnati, Ohio area to do your wedding video or video of some other event, please give us a call.
Dayton Wedding Videographer – Cincinnati Wedding Videographer
See our Video Collection
See our Photo Collection
Dayton Wedding Videographer and Cincinnati Wedding Videographer
Our Specialty
We have been specializing in covering wedding events for over 10 years. We have Wedding Videographers in Dayton and Cincinnati, Ohio that specialize in taking the highest of quality wedding video and photographs.
Our Style
We offer cinematic and documentary style video of your wedding. Our professional photographers will work hand-in-hand with our videographers to capture both pictures and video of your wedding day. We package your professionally edited video and pictures on high definition DVD discs, flash drives, and will optionally upload them to social media for you.
Our goal as professional wedding videographers is to tell the story of your wedding in a beautiful and creative wedding video – thus our phrase Bringing Memories to Life! We pride ourselves delivering the highest quality wedding videos to our customers so they can see the things that they may have missed during their busy wedding day and be able to relive this special day over and over again.
Other Video Services
In addition to our wedding videographers that we have in Dayton and Cincinnati, Ohio areas, we also provide videographers and photographers to cover other special events such as Quinceaneras, Dances, Sporting Events, Parties, and more.
If you are looking for a Dayton Wedding Videographer or Cincinnati Wedding Videographer, we invite you to call today for an appointment to meet and to preview our wedding videos, photo albums and other other video and photography services.
WIZ Photo and Video
Brian Wisvari
(937) 689-1868
Email: wiz@wizphotoandvideo.com
Website: www.wizphotoandvideo.com

We have a variety of services to meet your photography and videographer needs in the Dayton and Cincinnati, Ohio area. Wiz Photo and Video provides professional videographers and photographers to capture your Wedding, Anniversary, Quinceanera, Dance Performance and more on video. In addition, we provide professional editing of all our videos and photographers to ensure we deliver the highest quality product to our customers.
WIZ photo and Video features wedding videographers that incorporate Cinematic and Documentary style videography that artistically tells your story. This is then incorporated in your our Feature Videos, Wedding Highlight Videos, Love Stories, and more.
We package our final product on DVD, High Definition Blu-ray, Flash Drives, and can uploaded your wedding photographs and wedding videos to Social Media. Our photography production team can also work with you to create a photo album.
If you would like more information or would like to meet our videographers or photographers please contact us. Thanks - Brian Wisvari - WIZ Photo and Video - (937)-689-1868